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Showing posts with label Webanalytics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Webanalytics. Show all posts

Art: Profoundness of this universe

I had always been intrigued by the sheer gargantuaness (I know that there's no word like that) of the sky above. Mind you, visible sky, visible to our naked eyes. Then something remarkable happened, I started studying these things in school, and of course as you might have experienced as well, everything became an equation, a classwork and homework assignment where I lost my zeal, interest and inquisitiveness to ask some of the most fundamental questions. And I give you a very small example, like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other, how come all all protons live happily inside the nucleus? How does weather change? Why do we have summers and winters, and let me give you a clue, it's not because our planet goes closer to sun hence summers (perihelion), farther from sun, hence winters (apehelion)?

Art: Data driven optimization through mobile analytics

Mobile is driving the big transformation in today's world, across industries. This transformation is in the way organizations do business, the way consumers avail products and services and the way marketeers present their offers. Just to give you an idea of the importance of mobile:
  • 80% people don't leave home without their mobile devices 
  • In India, 72% of all website data actually comes from smart phones 
  • Internet contributed 5% of GDP growth in India 
  • In March 2015, for the first time ever in US, Comscore registered more people accessing internet through mobile only. The trend is only increasing 

Art: Digital Analytics for non-Ecommerce organizations

Many times we confuse ourselves thinking that when we talk about conversion rates in digital analytics, or web analytics, we are talking about ecommerce businesses where one party is buying other is selling, and hence digital marketing tools like Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics are not relevant to non-ecommerce businesses like banks, media houses, or even the entire B2B segment. But nothing can be farther than truth.

Art: A bit more about Views

We covered the basics of views while discussing Hierarchies within GA here. Now let's take a better look at Views because that's where an analyst spends most of his/her time. This is the level where you get your dashboards, reports and all other analysis tools.

The default view is created as soon as you create your property. In case you have just created your account, both, default property and default view, are automatically created for you. Let's understand why do we need these views in the first place. 

Art: More information about Visitor/User cookie

We need to understand who are the visitors of our digital platforms. We utilize cookies as discussed here to identify return and new visitors to the specific digital platforms. 

Visitor ID cookie within GA is first party cookie, which enables webanalytics tool (GA or Adobe Analytics) to track the visitor behavior in a much better way, even on systems where third party cookies are blocked. 

Art: Cookies of GA

Google Analytics installs 5 different cookies when you visit a website/digital property which has GA implemented. We are going to talk about one of the most important cookie out of those, the visitor ID cookie. 

As we discussed in earlier posts, Google Analytics uses cookies to identify visitors and visits. If you want to refresh about visitors and visits, please refer to the link here

Art: Creating segments within Google Analytics

I would recommend you to read theory of segmentation here, before you read about how to create segmentation within GA. Once you have understood the importance of segmentation and use of it then it would make much more sense about how to create, and implement segmentation within GA.

 Once you login to you account, and look into reports, at the top side of the page you would be able to see something closer to the image above. It shows you two blocks, All Sessions and Add a Segment. All sessions means that all the sessions that have been recorded on your digital platform has been included into the analysis within your reports, 

Art: Creating and implementing Custom Dimensions

If this is the first time that you are reading anything about custom dimensions, I would recommend you all to read the earlier article which explains a bit about custom dimensions and metrics by clicking on the link

Now that you have a basic idea about what custom dimensions are, and why do we need them in the first place, let's talk about how to create them. Like all other implementation tips, this one also starts by logging into your GA account. Now go to Admin section and look within the property hierarchy (Information about GA Hierarchies) and find custom definitions.

Art: What is Cohort Analysis?

Have you ever been compared with someone else? If you are from a country like India, then answer has to be yes. More often than not it's our parents who say something like, look at your elder cousin Ashutosh, how he has made a career of himself, you are on internet god knows doing what? Or may be your teachers saying, my students of batch 2000 were so much better, look at them where they are now, how successful they are. But my question is more rudimentary, can you compare two distinct groups of two different eras, timelines and find out which has been more effective or beneficial?

Art: Web Analytics Terms: Day 1

Cookie: A small amount of text data used to remember information from page to page and visit to visit. Cookies can contain information such as user preferences or shopping cart contents.

Visits/Sessions: The number of times your Website is accessed.

Bounce: Sessions/Visits where visitor made only one hit in his entire visit/session (Understand what is image request/hit from here)

Bounce Rate: The percentage of visits in which the visitor makes only one hit on your Website before leaving is known as the Bounce Rate.