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Welcome to the world of analytics

In last 10 years we collected wealth of experience while partnering with some of the biggest organizations of the world in disparate industries and geographies. This blog is an attempt from our side to pass on our learnings and knowledge to those who want to learn various forms, tools and challenges that we come across in the field of analytics. 

Though we will discuss analytics at large, but our prime focus is going to be on the digital platforms for some of the reasons listed below:
  1. There are 450 million + internet users in India (2nd highest after China)
  2. In last 1 year, our internet population has grown by more than 30%, whereas our total population has grown by 1.2% (need less to say that it's highest across the globe)
  3. We still have only little less than 35% of population using internet.
  4. With advent of Reliance Jio in the market, we probably can't even fathom today, how it would disrupt the traditional markets, our assumptions and consumer behavior.
When the world around us is changing at such high velocity, we need to traverse the path ever so carefully so that we don't fall behind, or even risk a lot while trying to keep up with the pace. The content of this blog has been designed to effectively:
  1. Teach the nuances of analytics with laser focus on digital space
  2. Provide superior level of knowledge, best industry practices and benchmarks
  3. Improve your efficiency by talking about hacks and cheat codes of the world of analytics
We all at this academy hope that you would enjoy your stay here, and will like our content. In case of any issue, concern or question, please do feel free to reach to us through Contact Page.